News from around the world about business communication, business writing, mobile business communication, digital communication, and social media.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
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Business Communication Tutoring Resources
Business Communication Tutoring Resources
Sunday, September 27, 2015
27 Ways the Business Communication Course Can Help Your Students
As you get rolling with a new term, you’ll probably be emphasizing the long-term value of the business communication course to your students. Here’s our list of 27 ways communication skills can help students in their personal and professional lives.
- Succeeding in other college courses. From writing research papers to making presentations, the skills developed in the business communication course can help with virtually every other course students take.
- Landing the best available job. The job-search process is essentially an interconnected set of business communication projects using a variety of media and interpersonal communication skills. It’s a great opportunity for students to put their finely tuned skills to work.
- Positioning oneself for promotional opportunities. The managers who make promotional decisions like to keep an eye on up-and-coming talent, and communication skills play a critical role in how those employees perform and how they are perceived by colleagues, customers, and influential executives.
- Becoming a more-effective online and offline networker. Networking is a vital skill for everyone from entrepreneurs to top-level corporate managers, and business communication equips people with the audience insights and communication skills they need to become valued and successful network participants.
- Interacting with people up and down the corporate hierarchy. College-aged students aren’t always comfortable communicating with older, more-experienced colleagues, managers, and executives. Learning how to analyze an audience’s needs and expectations can help anyone handle these challenges with grace and confidence.
- Solving problems. Every professional runs into problems in the workplace, and some jobs are all about problem solving. Communication is central to many business problems and challenges, whether it’s part of the problem or part of the solution.
- Selling ideas, proposals, and products. The business world is littered with great ideas and well-designed products that never caught on because the people behind them didn’t know how to promote themselves or their marvelous creations. Even professionals who never come close to working in marketing or sales need to know how to persuade—a valuable skill students will learn in this course.
- Understanding audiences. Whether it’s the other person in a one-on-one conversation or a global audience on digital media, knowing how to assess someone else’s information needs and emotional state improves every form of communication.
- Developing digital information fluency. Finding, evaluating, and using digital information in an age of data overload is a make-or-break skill in many careers.
- Developing visual literacy. From infographics to online video, visual media have become a fundamental part of business communication, not to mention the charts, graphs, diagrams, and other tools that have been in use for decades. A well-rounded business communication course can help students understand the power of visual communication, interpret business visuals, and make intelligent design choices in their own documents and presentations.
- Developing a compelling personal brand. Even people turned off by the idea of branding themselves can benefit from knowing the behaviors and skills that combine to create the “social being” they present to the rest of the world.
- Detecting and avoiding ethical lapses. Ethical dilemmas and ethical lapses should be core topics in business communication, of course. In addition to general guidelines for ensuring ethical communication, our texts offer such examples as overselling, obscuring negative information, and manipulating charts and graphs.
- Avoid and resolving disputes. Understanding how communication works—or fails to work—helps people minimize confusion, avoid inadvertent insults, and keep tensions from escalating.
- Diagnosing communication breakdowns. Sometimes even with good intentions and careful effort, communication efforts can fail. Professionals who understand a basic model of the communication process can use it to diagnose breakdowns and take corrective active.
- Using communication technology professionally. It’s a rare student who isn’t equipped with some advanced communication and computing technologies these days, particularly one or more mobile devices, but using those tools in a professional context takes the sort of awareness and practice they’ll get in the business communication course.
- Enhancing personal and social relationships. The value of communication skills certainly isn’t limited to the workplace. Knowing how to listen actively, speak persuasively, write carefully, and read critically can help just about any relationship.
- Crafting life’s toughest messages with sensitivity. Rejection letters, condolences, and other messages on unwelcome issues are among a communicator’s toughest challenges. The principles taught in business communication can help writers address these situations with understanding and tact.
- Improving communication confidence. By taking the mystery out of effective communication, this course helps students develop confidence in their ability to tackle any communication challenge.
- Evaluating, editing, and revising the work of other writers. Professionals are often asked to review the writing of other people, and knowing how to help—without throwing a wrench into the works—requires a specific set of skills that students can learn in this course.
- Leading and participating in more-effective meetings. The principles of interpersonal communication, group dynamics, and conflict resolution taught in business communication can go a long way toward making meetings more effective.
- Listening actively for information, intent, and nuance. Among the many skills that make up communication competence, few outrank listening. The business communication course can teach the vital skill of active listening and the specific modes of critical, content, and empathic listening.
- Communicating in a crisis. With the growth of social and mobile media, companies are under more pressure than ever to communicate quickly, clearly, and sensitively in the aftermath of accidents, tragedies, and other calamities. Anticipating likely events and responding with audience-focused messages are important managerial skills.
- Recognizing the powers and pitfalls of nonverbal communication. All communication efforts are influenced by the presence or absence of nonverbal signals, and this course can help students recognize the signals they receive and manage the signals they send.
- Communicating efficiently. Knowing how to craft messages and documents at a rapid clip is an essential survival skill for many professionals. By practicing with a proven method such as the three-step writing process, students can learn how to write not only effectively but efficiently, too.
- Ensuring positive team outcomes. Team dynamics are a complicated subject, but one simple truth is that dysfunctional teams tend to communicate poorly while highly effective teams communicate well. The business communication course gives students the opportunity to grow their teamwork skills in a safe, supportive environment.
- Enriching intercultural interactions. Reaching across international boundaries is a necessary skill for many professionals, and every business needs to connect with diverse groups of customers and employees. The business communication course teaches students how to communicate with people from other backgrounds and cultures—a necessary business skill and a lifelong source of pleasure.
- Improving etiquette in all forms of contemporary media. For all their benefits, today’s tech tools create a host of potential etiquette problems. Students can use the course to identify and avoid the missteps that can hurt careers.
If you have other benefits you like to share with students, please let us know via the comments.
Best wishes for a successful term!
Photo credit: Steve Wilson
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Business communication teaching resources can make classes even better, if they're of high quality. Now you can get immediate access to the largest collection of high-quality business communication resources on the web. Read instructional posts with tips and techniques you can use in your classroom tomorrow. Download articles, videos, PowerPoints, infographics, PDFs (handouts), and podcasts. With these materials at your fingertips, you’ll spend less time preparing for class and more time actually teaching and assisting your students.
In this video, you'll also learn about Bovee and Thill's Business Communication Blog, filled with insights and commentary from the world's leading authors of business communication textbooks.
For a wealth of material you'll find useful for teaching a course in business communication, we suggest you review these websites: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Refer this video to your friends.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
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Monday, September 21, 2015
Ideas for Teaching Business Communication
Teaching Business Communication -
Ideas for teaching business communication are abundant in Bovee and Thill’s Business Communication Blog.
Instructional techniques and approaches have taken on new dimensions due to the abundance of new topics now covered in the course, including digital communication, social media, and mobile communication. Bovee and Thill were the first authors to cover these topics in their textbooks, and they have a wealth of ideas to share with their readers on a regular basis about these topics, and many more.
The blog offers origial articles that help instructors focus their teaching to help students learn more efficiently and effective. Articles discuss a wide variety of subjects, including new topics instructors should be teaching their students, resources instructors can use in their classes, solutions to common teaching challenges, and great examples of activities instructors can use in class.
This blog will help instructors keep current with the latest information and trends in the field. It will help with the updating of lecture notes with fresh material. Instructors will be able to enhance their research projects with the newest data. They'll be able to compare best practices from other instructors.
You'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your classes that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.
The post Ideas for Teaching Business Communication appeared first on Teaching Business Communication.
Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors
Teaching Business Communication -
Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors will always keep instructors current and ready for class. Discover the latest tips and techniques that will keep you sharp and on the cutting edge.
The first authors in the field to write an instructor blog, Bovée and Thill share instructional insights, offer advice on incorporating digital media, social media, mobile communication, and other technologies into the course, and provide compelling examples of good and bad business communication.
Bovée says, "As instructors grapple with large class sizes and heavy advising loads, we are constantly on the lookout for ways that we can assist. By sharing best practices and offering innovative ideas and resources, we can help instructors spend less time preparing lectures and activities and more time teaching and working one-on-one with their students."
Adds Thill, "Our textbooks are used in dozens of countries. This blog gives us a way to share new ideas quickly with business communication instructors throughout the world."
With its focus on all original content, this blog complements the authors' existing website, Business Communication Headline News (a media curation service in which the authors hand-pick the best business communication articles and resources from across the Internet at, and their unique online content-updating service for instructors and students, Bovée & Thill's Real-Time Updates (
Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors also provides links to the latest news about Bovée and Thill, information about Bovée and Thill's textbooks, instructor support resources, and links to teaching instructors' communities on Facebook and LinkedIn.Y
You'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your classes that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.
Refer this video to other instructors.
The post Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors appeared first on Teaching Business Communication.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
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Teaching Business Communication -
Watch video on YouTube here:
The post Which Business Communication Textbook Is the Best? appeared first on Teaching Business Communication.
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Watch video on YouTube here:
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The post 7 Ways to Feign Confidence (When You’re Really Nervous on the Inside) appeared first on Teaching Business Communication.